Microservices Solutions

Smoother Time-to-Market

In the era of digital transformation, organizations are competing over their business agility. In other words, businesses need to design, build and ship new applications and features faster than ever. Hence, comes microservices solutions helping businesses stay competitive in the market.

With Sumerge microservices solutions, we will help your organization move seamlessly into the digital age; providing end-to-end transformation capabilities for your IT infrastructure. Building cloud-native apps, transforming your legacy systems and integration methodology are all use cases for our microservices solutions. In addition, our consulting team helps assess your current IT infrastructure and come-up with a recommended roadmap fitting your needs and objectives.

Featured eBook

Time-To-Market Driven Disruption

Starter guide to microservices and business agility

This ebook brings you a holistic approach into beginning your microservices transformation journey.

What are Microservices?

Microservices or microservices architecture is a design approach aiming to build scalable and highly maintained applications. That is, an application is built with a collection of microservices that are loosely coupled. That’s why, microservices architecture transforms your business agility with independent deployable and testable components.

Traditionally, a large team of developers are working towards shipping a single application. This involves collaborating in a common cycle of build, test and release. With the large number of codependents, deploying new changes can take up to several weeks and months. To put it in another way, one feature change is impacting the build of the whole application.

On the other hand, an application is broken into smaller services in a microservices architecture. These services have a bounded context and they are loosely coupled. Hence, autonomous from one another. Each microservice is managed by a small team.

This team has an end-to-end control over this service in terms of UI, business logic and database. Team members can build, test and release much faster builds without dependencies. If there is an issue with one feature in the application, the issue is not propagating across other modules. Consequently, it doesn’t cause downtime in the system.

monolith vs microservices architecture

Why Adopt Microservices Solutions?


Is scaling current systems challenging for you especially in the case of sudden load? Microservices platforms allows you to scale applications up and down automatically. Thanks to auto-scalability, containerized applications scale up or down based on the demand with self healing capabilities thus guaranteeing up time while saving your hardware resources.

Legacy Transformation

Do you have current challenges extending your legacy applications with new features? Microservices facilitates your modernization journey whether by refactoring, migrating or extending your legacy systems.

Agile Integration

Do you have challenges with your existing integration platform? Agile integration transforms the traditional ESB methodology to a decentralized approach; enabling business agility and rapid development of API and integration services.

Build Apps Fast

is building applications FAST on your agenda? Microservices and containers empowers your teams to build and manage cloud-native apps fast with quick time-to-market

Digital Channels & Portals

Building digital engagement platforms and eServices is way more efficient with microservices architecture. It gives you very fast time-to-market, highly scalable platforms and the flexibility to integrate with different external applications.

Multiple Teams

Instead of having one team working on a build at a time, microservices architecture allow multiple teams to work in parallel. Consequently, your organization can deliver faster and more efficient.

Scalable Microservice Solutions

Let the Cloud Native Applications and Microservices transform your systems and infrastructure so it can handle the new digital age. Take advantage of the following benefits:

Boost Time To Market

Have the maturity to ship new features to your customers on daily and weekly basis instead of traditional quarterly and semiannual release plans.

Accelerate Top Line Growth

Harness new revenue streams & gain the competitive advantage

Improve Business Agility

Simplify monolithic applications with microservices

Boost Cloud ROI

Build customized cloud-native applications quickly & efficiently for cost-effective solutions

Dynamic Talent Pool

Hire and onboard new software engineers easily to fully leverage your capabilities

Contact us today to learn more how our team will help enhance your existing systems.

Contact Us

Design, Implement and Sustain Your Cloud Apps

Sumerge team and partner platforms use new-age technologies that include platform-as-a-service (Paas), microservices, and serverless architectures to provide software transformation solutions to enhance your ROI.



We create a comprehensive business case and will define the microservices transformation roadmap and operating model. Then we will build cloud native applications.


Our team will re-architect and re-design monolithic applications with microservices, build and test services, perform platform migrations, and build your DevOps culture and environment.


At every step of the process, we enable 24×7 IT support, maintenance and governance.

Microservices Solutions - Latest Success Story


A leading Mortgage Financing institution, serving citizens on low and middle income, was having several challenges with its existing legacy core system. The legacy system is more than 20 years old. Eventually, it kept growing over the years by adding new features incrementally serving the continuous business demand of the organization.

The system grew tremendously till it reached a stage where adding new features and changing existing ones was very costly, risky & time-consuming. Here is a summary of their challenges:

  • Not responsive to business demand: The current system was too complicated to add new features to it. Implementing new features was time-consuming in terms of development, testing and release time.
  • Change was risky: The current legacy code was complex to implement new changes as well as testing was time-consuming and risky.
  • Scalability: The current system was processing hundreds of thousands of transactions and database contained millions of records. It was difficult scaling the system during peak times and sudden load.
  • APIs & Integration: exposing APIs and integrating with external systems was challenging, complex and time-consuming.

Solution & Approach

After assessing the situation we decided to migrate the system to microservices architecture running on containers on a private cloud container orchestration environment.

Solution highlights

  • Phased Agile Approach: we started breaking down the legacy system into smaller components “microservices”, migrating these components to containers and exposing them as REST APIs. This was a low risk approach where the 2 systems coexisted together migrating components every 2 – 4 weeks sprints.
  • Quick time to market: Implementing new features and deploying it to production improved by 4-5x faster. All new components had automated DevOps pipelines with built test automation; thus achieving quality as speed.
  • Performance Boost: We moved components with scalability issues and performance bottlenecks; hence offloading the legacy system to the modern scalable platform. Each microservice can now scale independently based on its load at runtime, and we don’t have to scale the whole system.
  • API first: Easily integrate with internal systems like digital channels and external 3rd party systems and banks.

Journey of Legacy Modernization to Microservices

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